Tuesday, July 22, 2008

eight months

It's been a while since I posted anything here, since I am in a relaxed state, why not?

As soon as Sir Gil passed my thesis proposal, I knew that this thesis would become more than just a way to pass my final year at college. I once wrote that I'm still battling being overweight. And since I started doing my thesis, and learned all about eating right and exercising is the best way to loose all the pounds, I have again gained 10 lbs. As sad as I am about the weight gain, I have now realized that this reflected my work, I was loosing focus in my thesis and  my health.

And I've confronted him about my problem and said that he'd help me get back into shape, to prepare for the following:

September - birthday (a girl has to look good for her birthday)
December - meet the parents (dundun! DUNDUN!)
February/March - defense  (DUN!DUN! DUNDUN!!!)
April - anniv and Pagudpud, so excited!
and finally..the grad pic, although the schedule still remains a mystery, haha.

I know I can do it because I've done it before, and I know I have to do this because of the following:
1. myself 
2. my health
3. him
4. my thesis --would you believe my proposal if I am overweight??

that's it for now, ciao!

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